International Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board (IAB) provides strategic oversight and promotes the global visibility of the NanoItaly Association’s activities. The IAB operates as a high-level consultative body with the following responsibilities:

  • Global Positioning: Advise on strategies to position the Association as a leading entity in the international nanotechnology landscape.
  • Networking and Partnerships: Facilitate the establishment of global collaborations with academic, industrial, and governmental stakeholders.
  • Impact Evaluation: Assess the scientific, technological, and societal impact of the Association’s activities and suggest measures to enhance it.
  • Standard Alignment: Ensure the Association’s initiatives align with global standards and best practices in the field of nanotechnology.
  • Funding Opportunities: Identify international funding programs and opportunities to support the Association’s growth and initiatives.
  • Event Support: Provide guidance on the development of international conferences, workshops, and educational programs to enhance their reach and significance.

The members of the International Advisory Board are:

uomoAdele CARRADÒ

donnaEnnio CAPRIA

uomoNarciso GAMBACORTI