Horizontal Aims

  1. Safety and Characterization 

In all the WG, a dedicate effort will be given to the development of nano-enabled products and applications in medicine along the entire value chain, specially focusing on safety assessment and physico-chemical characterization of nanomaterials used in nanomedicine. Furthermore, the WG provides support to the nanomed-community, (a) to share key achievements to foster scientific discussion on current challenges and (b) to promote networking between experts, with the aim to progress together in the field of advanced physico-chemical, in vitro and in vivo characterization. By addressing nano-related safety issues from the very early stage of development, the WG promotes a successful translation of nanomedicine to the market.

  1. Educational and Training

All the WGs will be involved with PhD programs, Master and High-level formation process, to increase the engagement and involvement of early researchers (ER) across different disciplines and sectors around nanomedicine field. This will be connected also with activities in different degree courses (as Pharmacy, CTF, Biotechnology, Medicine, Biology, Bioengineering, etc..).

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