
facciata ingegneria per numeriFollowing the success of their respective events, NanoItaly and NanotechItaly, the promoting organizations Associazione NanoItaly and AIRI – Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale, decided to organize in 2016 an unique conference named NanoInnovation, that takes place every year in the traditional venue of the Renaissance Cloister by Sangallo at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of “Sapienza” University of Rome.

NanoInnovation is the national meeting place for the wide and multidisciplinary community dealing with the development of nanotechnologies and their integration with other key enabling technologies (KETs), in all application fields. The event is a unique opportunity for the scientific, industrial and business communities, providing an open discussion platform, where researchers, technologists, managers, entrepreneurs and investors can share experiences, opinions and expectations about the role of nanotechnologies for future innovations.

Main goals of NanoInnovation are:

  • Providing a meeting forum among academy, research and companies.
  • Displaying the State of the Art in applied research on nanotechnology.
  • Acting as a showcase for the most important innovation deriving from nanotechnology and KETs
  • Supporting the knowledge transfer among different application sectors.

NanoInnovation is addressed to: researchers, institutions, investors, companies together with economic operators, government institutions, media and whichever, individual or organization, interested in the recent developments of nanotechnology in integration with KETs.

Participation is fee upon online registration

The event offers several differentiated ways of participation and involvement ranging from oral/poster presentations of original research or innovation results with applicative focus in the parallel symposiums, to the direct organization of technical-scientific symposiums, round tables and satellite events/workshops, to the presence in a booth in the exhibition area.   Selected scientific papers will be published on a special issue of AIP Conference Proceedings (open access, indexed on all major archives including WoS and Scopus).

The event is structured in different initiatives in order to account for the needs of any kind of participants. During the four days event are foreseen:

  • Plenary Sessions (with the presence of national and international experts and personalities
  • Technical-scientific symposiums (poster or oral presentations on selected topics)
  • Tutorial sessions (to get knowledge and expertise on the treated topics)
  • Matchmaking meetings (to directly connect operators active in research and innovation and interested to cooperation opportunities - R2B, B2B)
  • Workshops and Satellite events, round tables and workshops, independently organized by external organizations/companies and armonized in the conference frame
  • Exhibition area, with the presence of companies, universities, research centres, where producers can provide detailed information on the most innovative products of the nanotech world and researchers can illustrate to companies the results of their research.

Four Committees govern the event, with the presence of recognized experts from scientific or industrial communities:

  • Organizing Committee
  • Steering Committee
  • Programme Committee
  • Honorary Committee

Official website is 

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